My name is Jennifer Ellis. I live in Portola and since moving here 10 years ago, I have been inspired by the landscape and the animals that live here. My artwork has evolved and changed in ways I could not have expected.
I am a painter and photographer. The photos I take become a source of inspiration for the paintings I create. I use acrylic paints. They dry fast and multiple layers can be applied creating effects that always surprise me. Painting for me is therapy. It is an exploration of myself. I'm always surprised by what appears on the canvas. Each time I paint, I'm exploring a part of me that is unseen. I love the not knowing, the process of discovery and the journey through every piece.
As a teacher, I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my love of color and mark making. It is my desire to share my creative process with others so that they too might be surprised and inspired on their own journey through art. I also desire to encourage a sense of play and wonder. To be curious without judgement. To trust the process of discovery. The possibilities are endless and when you are able to let go, magic happens.